Rmarkdown github pages
Rmarkdown github pages

rmarkdown github pages

  • Go to Settings > GitHub Pages and turn on GitHub Pages for the master branch.
  • Open your web browser to the page for your repository.
  • Commit your changes (to both index.Rmd and index.html) and push to GitHub.
  • This is our RMarkdown file rendered as HTML (a web page).
  • Notice the new file in the same directory index.html.
  • Open index.Rmd (if it isn’t already open).
  • Be sure to use the exact capitalization (lower case ‘index’) as different operating systems handle capitalization differently and it can interfere with loading your web page later. You should create a “Document” in “HTML” format. Choose File -> New File -> RMarkdown… This will bring up a dialog box. The easiest way to do this is through the RStudio menu.
  • Add a new file at the top level called index.Rmd.
  • Use your existing training_username repository.

    15.2 Full source code for the final application.15.1.7 Finishing touches: data citation.15.1.6 Extending the user interface with dynamic plots.15.1.3 Create a sample shiny application.14 Session 14: Reproducibility and Provenance.13.1.6 Visualize sf objects with leaflet.13 Session 13: Geospatial Analysis in R.12.1 Hands On: Clean and Integrate Datasets.12 Session 12: Exercise - Cleaning and Manipulating Data.10.2.9 Sharing and releasing your package.10.2.8 Checking and installing your package.10.1.4 Examples: Minimizing work with functions.10 Session 10: Writing Functions and Packages.

    rmarkdown github pages

  • 9.2.4 Interactive visualization using leaflet and DT.
  • 9 Session 9: Data Visualisation and Publishing to the Web.
  • 8 Session 8: Cleaning and Manipulating Data.
  • 6.2 Additional Resources: Collaboration, authorship and data policies.
  • 6.1.4 Bonus Activity: Your Complex Self.
  • 6.1.3 About the Whole Brain Thinking System.
  • 6 Session 6: Social Aspects of Collaboration.
  • 5.5.1 Producing and resolving merge conflicts.
  • 5.3.5 Step 5: Owner edits, commit, and push.
  • 5.3.3 Step 3: Collaborator commit and push.
  • 5.3 Collaborating with a trusted colleague without conflicts.
  • 5 Session 5: Git Collaboration and Conflict Management.
  • 4.5 Setting up git on an existing project.

    Collaboration and conflict free workflows.4.4 Working locally with Git via RStudio.4.3 Create a remote repository on GitHub.Version control and Collaboration using Git and GitHub.4 Session 4: Version Control with git and GitHub.3 Session 3: Literate Analysis with RMarkdown.2.2.3 Data repositories: built for data (and code).2.1.5 Provanance & Preserving Computational Workflows.2 Session 2: Documenting and Publishing Data.1.1.4 Setting up the R environment on your local computer.1.1.2 Introduction to reproducible research.1.1 Reproducible Research, RStudio and Git/GitHub Setup.Reproducible Research Techniques for Synthesis.

    Rmarkdown github pages